Sunday, October 17, 2010

She came to see ME!

This is one of my besties (that's right E, besties :) from Kville!!!
When she told me a couple of months ago that she was going to fly and see me for a couple of days...almost cried.

She's funny.  Really funny.  I've stolen more than a line or two from her.
She's crafty!
And the best part, her name is Megan too.

We attempted to make these darling backpacks for our boys.  We didn't finish. But we did run into JoAnns at 8:59 pm (really running) to get another package of needles because they kept breaking.  I will finish it soon, this pile is still sitting in my kitchen, hasn't been touched since Wednesday.

She left her two older kids with their grandparents and came with her so sweet and good baby boy Tucker.  Sawyer and Ollie loved playing with him, Sawyer thought he was so funny.

We also swam, went to QT for slurpees, talked a lot, watched Biggest Loser, hit a discount fabric was fun.

And I took some pictures of her really cute baby.

It was two fast days.  When I went to bed the night before she left I was trying my best not to cry...okay maybe I did a little.  I miss my friends!

I was telling E that first I was looking forward to my friend Ashlie coming, then my brother Rich for a quick trip and then Megan...and now? Crickets.

We all need something to look forward to right??  Quilt Market is in May and that's just too far away :(

However I get E for TWO weeks this Christmas.  That's good news.

7 shout outs:

Crystal said...

What a grand time! I wish I could have been there! You are 2 of my favorites in the world. Miss you!

aimee said...

Jealous---need I say more.

Morgan said...


Megan said...

You took the cutest pics of Tuck! Thanks. I can't wait to finish my backpack.

My money worked at 7-11! That's what you could do with your spare time:)

Heidi said...

Glad you are having friends coming to stay with you - they must miss you as much as you miss them

The Baldwin's said...

oh my goodness, seriously?!? that is the best thing I've ever heard, how fun! and like Aim, I'm super jealous would I love to come visit you or someone, anyone come visit me for that matter! miss you Meg, bad bad :)

K.E.N said...

If I visit in the summer, will I induce the same kind of feelings ;) That sounds like a blast-I'm totally jealous.