I'd make these two best friends forever and ever and ever and ever bracelets if E would let me :) I had no idea how much these two would adore each other already, awe! Sawyer calls him "Ah-ye" for Ollie and "Er" for Oliver and still calls him baby. Sawyer will sit on the ground by us and say "Hold it hold it hold it" until we give him Oliver. Ollie absolutely LOVES to watch Sawyer play and gives him huge grins whenever he sees him. Sawyer loves to get in Oliver's face and talk baby to him, gives him kisses all the time, and he even tries to rough house. I told E last night I never pictured myself with my first two as little boys, but I am so happy and adore them, now I can't imagine having a girl...don't worry I still want one :)
Live Off the Land
3 years ago
11 shout outs:
Boo to USAA from me, too, but if that means you can stay with us longer, that is OK.
Cutest little brothers ever!!
HUGE BOO to USAA too! I almost feel like calling them & telling them I am gonna get new auto insurance if they don't buck up!
Your boys are adorable. Saywer reminds me of Kianna as a baby, all serious and all. Oliver, what a doll!-they can be doll's when they are baby's. He is just all smiles & so very sweet ♥ them
Your boys are adorable. I'm glad your having fun this summer. I was just thinking the same things. I wish everyday could be summer vacation. I love that you're getting VAN.
come home!!
holy moly, i didn't even recognize Ollie in that first pic ... he looks big! We miss you guys. Yay for vans!! Now we can shove all 4 kids in your van and go shopping :)
You should get a Ford Freestyle like we have. It seats 7 just like a van, but isn't a van. I love it! And sure you can train with me when you get home...I'm not super far so it would be easy to jump right in. Plus I run SUPER slow. Can't wait to see you...I hope it is soon!
Isn't sibling love the best! It was one of my most favorite things when O was born. Can't wait for you to return. Yay for mini vans! It's about time you joined the cool club.
I'm a horrible blogger. I can't beleive all that I missed. I am so glad that Ernesto is ok. What a blessing. Your boys are soo sososo cute. and I'm jelous your in Utah sigh...with your fam...awww...
ALso, I noticed that you are friends with Jena Bryon... that is soo sad about their house. I knew jena from byu. She is so cute. she came to my wedding and we used to run together all the time. Glad they are ok after the tornado. and you guys too!!! No more chaos for you guys...you've had your share!!!!
WOW! I am so glad Ernesto is safe and sound. That is crazy. I hope everything continues to go well for you guys... getting a car... making sure E heals up. We'll keep you guys in our prayers.
oh no! Your poor husband. Poor you! I hate stuff like that. I am now officially paranoid of all and every type of accident. Our insurance was terrible too. We didn't get money for our van for a month and a half!!! We didn't even get a rental car for a few weeks. oh well.
By the way. I just discovered a connection we have. Lindsey formerly Bullock is a friend of mine from BYU. She told me you are cousins. Crazy! Small World. Oh, I just saw that Linds just told you the same thing. Looks like she doesn't remember my married name. That silly girl.
Hey you guys, there is a young couple from our ward, moving to Kirksville this fall. Robert Root & his wife. He will be a year behind Ernesto in the program. I told them to look for you guys. (Luke's mom)
Your boys are getting so big! They are too cute!
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