Friday, April 15, 2011

Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!

Mr. Sawyer is growing up!!  It's exciting that he's old enough to be able to do classes and things, but at the same time it makes me a little sad.  Is that bad?  Because I know that Ollie is just around the corner from being able to do all the same things too.

Well it's pretty much illegal in AZ for your kids to not know how to swim.  Not really, but as much as we're at the pool, I would  love for him to be a great swimmer.  I never learned how to really swim, but daddy and grandpa are great swimmers, so it must be in him, right?

His first class he got nervous half way through and wanted his life jacket back on and to swim with me and Ollie.  But after a pep talk with daddy, he did great the second time.  He's really proud of himself actually. Here are some pics I got with my camera phone.

In other news...he totally bites his nails!!!  And has for several months.  I had no idea a 3 year old could develop such bad habits.  What do you do?  We tell him to stop whenever we see it, but of course he finds plenty of time to do it.  He says he doesn't want any white on his nails...great.

Maybe taking pictures of it isn't the best idea?  Oops. :)

7 shout outs:

StephenEmily Stacey said...

Ella has been biting hers since she turned 2. It's disgusting! I don't know what to do to help her stop. She does it without thinking.

Heidi said...

Great that he is learning to swim, the earlier the better.

aimee said...

That water looks amazing and so does your weather---jealous.

SewSara said...

at first i couldn't figure out why you posted that second pic -- of the teacher and the two other kids -- haha -- then i see he's going under water -- that's GREAT! i need to get my kids back in lessons this summer for sure.

and i'm surprised about the nail biting too -- although that pic is super adorable! i have a grown brother who STILL bites his nails! (ick)

K.E.N said...

Maybe he thinks having white on his nails makes him a girl.

Ashlie Dalton said...

cute cute pics and so fun that sawyer is taking lessons. i wish cole would dare but it would be a waste of money for sure at this time.

also, i used to suck my thumb and my parents bought this really yucky stuff that dries totally clear but you paint it on their nails (my parents used to do it while i was sleeping), and when they put their fingers in their mouth it tastes really sick. not sure where you can get it but i'd bet any store (walmart) would have it??? it might be worth a try. :)

grammajill said...

Trevor started biting his nails when he was 3.