Wow how much we all loved this break! E finished the hardest quarter ever, he did amazing, good job babe! And he was more than excited to finally catch up on sleep. But first things first, there was a stake basketball tournament Saturday, so we left Kville about 5 am and headed out, about 2 hrs! We spent a good part of the day in these 4 bball courts watching E play, having breaks in between. They made it to the semi-finals, and our team was pretty beat by the end. Sawyer was recruited into a gang of 5 year old girls, and they kept stealing him and trying to hold him and taking him under the bleachers. He didn't mind ;)Yes he made that.Then the following Tuesday, St Patty's day, we headed to Colombia, the nearest big city, and first up? OLIVE GARDEN how I've missed you! I went once for lunch in November with friends, other than that it has been since this past summer, with Luke and Ashlie for our good-bye dinner!Then we went to the mall where E took the boys in the stroller and let me shop! How fun!Do you think Sawyer liked the carousel?Towards the end we went to a little farm store to see chicks and bunnies, Soy loved them!The rest of the time we spent catching up on our favorite TV show, watched a movie or two and just played all together! It was so fun! Here's the growing boy, our little Oliver, I can't wait for so many of you to meet him, he is just so darling!! The rascal boys, Ollie is smiling behind that bink!
Live Off the Land
3 years ago
5 shout outs:
Sounds like you all had a nice spring break. Glad E did well in his first semester. The boys are cute - Sawyer is getting to look like a little boy, not a toddler. I love the last photo of him and E.
Awe, what cute boys you have Meg! Good job to E with school and congrats on ending that hard semester!! That's awesome you guys got to go out for some real food at OG, and get a nice little break from work at home and school. I CANNOT wait to see you guys and get my hands on that darling little Ollie. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! Love and miss you guys!!!!!
Spring Break is such a wonderful thing, huh?! Especially after a quarter like that one! It looks like you had a great time. how fun!
Addie wants to know how come sawyer looks like agrown up? (She doesn't realize he is growing like Sophie is)
Cute family, you look super cute and babyish in your photo with sawyer...that is a good thing.
Oliver is ADORABLE, want to smootch him!
For cute! Sounds like Spring Break was fun for all. I love the new photo of Sawyer on the side of your blog, and that one of Ollie is darling. he is so growing up!!Can't wait to seeall of you!
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