Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 3 and bliss

Okay BLISS is an exaggeration, but I'm potty training Sawyer, and so far, it's fabulous. I know, could I be any more annoying? I'm terribly sorry. We won the lottery, I'm having triplet girls and Nate Berkus is decorating my house :) It just has been pretty easy so far...I'm knocking on all sorts of wood.

Sawyer is growing up soooo fast, it's crazy! He loves to color now, and he drew this for me the other day:

Awe! He's never drawn "shapes" before. What a cutie patootie.
And seriously Oliver, come on! That smile makes up for any lack of sleep you cause, King of Stinkertons. He is all over the place, and really loving the stairs, oh dear. He's been starting to try and do steps on his own in between furniture...that definitely seems way too fast.

Well there's the boys and what they're up to. As for us, E is studying, studying, studying and I'm thinking, what the heck will it be like to have Christmas with NO snow??

7 shout outs:

Jene and Megan said...

Christmas with no snow is weird. I'm still not used to it and if we are lucky we'll get a measly inch that will last a day.
Your boys are getting so big! They are adorable!

Melissa said...

Your boys are getting big. I love Sawyers picture and no more potty training stories unless they're bad!

Jennica said...

They are growing up so fast! What adorable little boys. :) SO fun!

Sara said...

you forgot to mention how you're losing weight WITHOUT EVEN TRYING! ;)

yes, you stinker ... you are annoying! but i'm happy for ya because i wanted to chuck max out the window when he was potty training!

there's a 50% off coupon @ payless today, i'm gonna go look. you in?

grammajill said...

NO snow! Lucky!
It makes my heart melt to see Ollies smile, too. What a good boy Soy is! GIve him a hug from me!

Ashlie Dalton said...

I'm not even responding to this.....

ok fine.. you are so lucky. not fair.

Heidi said...

No snow - what about weather so hot that all chocolate has to be kept in the fridge! Look on the bright side, no clearing it up.